The EPA document attached shows how Monsanto tried to convince the EPA to ‘disappear’ toxicology data, which confirmed that 18 out of 100 test-mice developed a rare form of kidney tumour when fed glyphosate. EPA scientists were concerned that when 18% of mice developed ‘rare’ kidney tumours when fed glyphosate; moreover, this was not a case of ‘false positives’ as Monsanto was claiming. The tumors in question were real and also rare. The EPA refused to allow Monsanto to argue that ‘false positives’ argument should be used to ‘dilute’ the findings. The EPA regulators in question fought back - to protect the Public Health; evidently the EPA still had a sense of ethics and public service at that time. Since glyphosate is the most widely used pesticide in the world today it is clear that Monsanto ‘persuaded’ the EPA to suppress its concerns and give Glyphosate an unconditional license. Glyphosate was found in Warburtons Bread and Jordans Muesli in the UK in 2014.

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