In Pennsylvania, there are 21 native species of snakes, 14 species of turtles and four species of lizards. Here's a description of the four lizards that are native to Pennsylvania. The northern fence lizard (Sceloporus undulatus hyacinthinus) is part of a group commonly known as spiny lizards. It grows to 4-7 inches in length, and spends much of its time in the branches of trees. Insects, and sometimes snails, make up the diet of the northern fence lizard. The species is found in open woodlands across the southern two-thirds of Pennsylvania. The northern coal skink (Eumeces anthracinus anthracinus) grows to about 5-7 inches. It occurs in small, scattered populations in northcentral, northwestern and southwestern Pennsylvania, primarily in damp woodlands, particularly in areas with abundant leaf litter and loose stones. Its diet is entirely insects. The five-lined skink (Eumeces fasciatus) is about 5-7 inches as an adult. The five light stripes running the length of the lizard's brown to black body fade with the age of the animal. The species is found in about two-thirds of the state, south of a line drawn from Bucks County in the southeast to Crawford County in the northeast. It's generally found in humid woodlands, but occasionally shows up in gardens. The five-lined skink eats a more varied diet than many other skink species, including insects, insect larvae, spiders, worms, crustaceans and small mice. The broadhead skink (Eumeces laticeps) is the largest lizard species native to Pennsylvania, with some adult reaching lengths of a foot or more. Is it found only in the southeastern corner of the state, which is the northern limit of its ranges. It is a highly arboreal species, generally found in moist woodlands. Its diet is mostly insects.
Source: Penn Live, Oct 21, 2017…

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