
Catastrophe as France's bird population collapses due to pesticides

Bird populations across the French countryside have fallen by a third over the last fifteen years, researchers have said. Dozens of species have seen their numbers decline, in some cases by two-thirds, the scientists said in a pair of studies – one national in scope and the other covering a large agricultural region in central France.

Les oiseaux disparaissent des campagnes françaises à une « vitesse vertigineuse »

Ce déclin « catastrophique », d’un tiers en quinze ans, est largement dû aux pratiques agricoles, selon les études du CNRS et du Muséum d’histoire naturelle. Le printemps risque fort d’être silencieux. Le Muséum national d’histoire naturelle (MNHN) et le Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS) publient, mardi 20 mars, les résultats principaux de deux réseaux de suivi des oiseaux sur le territoire français et évoquent un phénomène de « disparition massive », « proche de la catastrophe écologique ».

Environmental impacts of neonicotinoids outweigh crop yield benefits

Neonicotinoid use has increased rapidly in recent years, with a global shift toward insecticide applications as seed coatings rather than aerial spraying. While the use of seed coatings can lessen the amount of overspray and drift, the near universal and prophylactic use of neonicotinoid seed coatings on major agricultural crops has led to widespread detections in the environment (pollen, soil, water, honey).

Met de vlinders en boerenlandvogels verdwijnt ook de koekoek uit ons land

In heel West-Europa zijn we in enkele tientallen jaren misschien wel de helft van de koekoeken (Cuculus canorus) kwijtgeraakt. Een van de oorzaken is de afname van dag- en nachtvlinders. Koekoeken leven van de rupsen van deze vlinders. In Groot-Brittannië is er een duidelijke relatie gevonden tussen de afname van de koekoek en een sterke afname van rupsen. Het is heel waarschijnlijk dat ook in Nederland het aanbod van voedsel is afgenomen. Dit zal vooral invloed hebben op de periode net na uitvliegen wanneer de jonge koekoek zelf voedsel moet verzamelen en overschakelt op rupsen.

Concern as Irish corncrake population nearly halves in three years

There has been a further decline in corncrake (Crex crex) numbers recorded during the 2017 breeding season, according to a National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) cited by nature conservation group Birdwatch Ireland. In the past three years, the number of breeding pairs has dropped dramatically from 230 in 2014 to 140 in 2017. Conservative estimates put the population at the beginning of the 20th century in the tens of thousands. However, this fell to an estimated 4,000 by the 1960s..

Herbicides to Blame for UK's Declining Turtle Dove Population

The number of turtle dove (Streptopelia turtur) breeding pairs in the UK has dropped to a record low of 14,000, making an 84 percent drop since 1995."The turtle dove is the fastest declining bird in the country [England] and within ten years we could lose this icon of the British countryside completely,” said a spokesman for the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds. Turtle doves in the United Kingdom are found in just a few areas of Southern England and migrate during the winter toward Africa.

The population of 28 British bird species more than halved over periods of 31–48 years

The 20th annual BirdTrends report highlights the rapid decline of the greenfinch, whose population has dropped by 59pc in the UK in just ten years. Bird experts say the decline is caused by a widespread and severe outbreak of a disease called trichomonosis, which first affected bird populations in 2006. The steepest long-term populations declines measured are for Turtle Dove, Tree Sparrow, Willow Tit, Grey Partridge and Nightingale, which have all declined by 90% or more since 1967, as, almost certainly, has Lesser Spotted Woodpecker.

Feldvögel sind seit 1995 in Brandenburg um ein Drittel zurückgegangen

Zum Verschwinden vieler Feldvögel hat die Landesregierung auf Anfrage der Grünen-Landtagsfraktion Details herausgegeben – und die Befunde sind alarmierend: So ist der Bestand an sogenannten Agrarvögeln seit 1995 in Brandenburg um ein Drittel zurückgegangen. Einige Vogelarten sind um mehr als die Hälfte dezimiert worden – etwa Kiebitz Vanellus vanellus (minus 77 Prozent) und Feldsperling Passer montanus (minus 31 Prozent).