European food safety officials have condemned a controversial study that suggested genetically modified vegetables caused tumors in rats and some advocates are calling upon the publishers of the journal in which it appeared to issue a formal retraction. The paper in question was written by University of Caen researcher Gilles-Eric Seralini and suggested that rodents developed tumors and suffered from multiple organ failure after consuming genetically altered corn produced by St. Louis-based Monsanto, according to Kate Kelland of Reuters. In response to criticisms, Reed Elsevier, publishers of Food and Chemical Toxicology, published a statement on their website claiming that Seralini’s work had been “objectively and anonymously peer reviewed.” Furthermore, they said that the authors had made “a series of revisions” and that only then was “the corrected paper then accepted by the editor,” according to E.B. Solomont of the St. Louis Business Journal.
Source: Red Orbit, 2 December 2012…

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Support Gilles-Eric Seralini
Contrary to what the media and his opponents spread, Gilles-Eric Seralini is
not alone in its approach. It is supported by 191 leading scientists from 33 different countries and most prestigious universities in the world. Support Pr Séralini - total: 191 signatories from 33 countries (Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Bolivia, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, China, Croatia, Ecuador, France, Germany, Hawaii, Ireland, Wales, Hungary, India, Italy, Martinique , Mexico, Nederland, New Zealand, Norway, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Scotland, South Africa, Spain, Switzerland, UK, USA):
Prof Jack Heinemann (School of Biological Science, University of Canterbury, New Zealand); Dr. José Brochier (University of California Davis, USA) ; Dr. Shawn McGuire (University of East Anglia, UK) ; Dr. David Somervell (University of Edinburgh, Scotland) ; Dr. Agnès Ducharne (University of Paris V, France) ; Dr. Frédéric Durand (University of Toulouse, France) ; Dr. Jean-Pierre Berlan (INRA, France) ; Dr. Clive Ashworth (UK) ; Pr. Patrick Bernard (ENS Paris ; France) ; Dr. Silvain Rafini (University of Quebec, Canada) ; Dr. Muller Fabbri (University of Southern California, USA) ; Dr. Michel Prévot (Emeritus Research Director CNRS, France) ; Dr. Bruno Bordenave (Botanist, Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle, France) ; Dr. Oliver Springate-Baginski (University of east Anglia, UK) ; Dr. Didi Baev (Bulgaria) ; Dr. Jean Luc Plassat (University of Strasbourg, France), Dr. Maria Angela Vigotti (University of Pisa, Italy); Pr. Eric Feraille (University of Genève, Switzeland), Pr. Jean Louis Jamet (University of Toulon South, Var, France) ; Dr. Ernesto Burgio (Medical doctor, University of Florence, Italy) ; Dr. Guillaume Ferlat (University Pierre & Marie Curie, France) ; Dr. Pascale Gisquet-Verrier (University Of Paris South, France) ; Dr. Roger B Taylor (UK) ; Dr. Catherine Greenall (UK) ; Dr. Donald R Davis (retired, USA) ; Dr. Mandy Meikle (Scotland) ; Dr. David Flacher (Université Paris Nord, France) ; Dr. Walter Goldstein (Mandaamin institute, USA) ; Dr. Brian John (University of Durham, UK) ; Pr. Jacques Testart (INSERM, France) ; Dr. Richard Maire (University of Bordeaux, France) ; Pr. Angelo Baracca (University of Florence, Italy) ; Dr. Holger Schmid (Aachen, Germany); Dr. Josette Wier (Canada); Dr. Elena Yarowinsky Bauman (Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico); Prof. Zsuzsanna Bardocz (Hungary); Pr. Paul Deheuvels (University of Pierre & Marie Curie, Paris, member of the French Academy of Science, France) ; Pr. Christian La Borderie (University of Pau, France) ; Pr. Hugh Lehman (University of Guelph, Canada); Pr. Jean-Michel Panoff (University of Caen, France) ; Pr. Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker (International Resource Panel, Germany) ; Dr. Ellie Campbell (USA) ; Dr. Pushpa M Bhargava India); Dr. Regis Dieckmann Klinisches Institut für Pathologie, Vienna, Austria); Dr. Michel Ferry (INRA, France); Dr. Doug Gurian-Sherman (USA) ; Dr Eva Novotny (UK) ; Dr. Mark Polle (Canada) ; Dr. Pierre Sartor (France) ; Dr Christoph Then (Testbiotech, Germany) ; Dr Peter Romilly (University of Abertay, Dundee, Scotland); Dr Alain Guenoche (Institute of Mathematics of Luminy, Marseille, France) ; Prof. Vasil Nikolov (Plovdiv Agricultural University, Bulgaria) ; Dr Dominique Eraud (President), Dr Dominique Le Houézec, Dr Francis Glémet (CNMSE, National Medical Health Coordination, France); Dr Michael Van Beinum (university of Glasgow, Scotland); Dr Christian Prat (University of Aix Marseille, France); Bruno Fajal (University of Caen, France); Philippe Gourdain (Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle, France); Dr Marc Lenoir (Institute of Neurosciences, Montpellier, France), Dr Marc Mathieu (INSERM, Hospital Saint Eloi, Montpellier, France); Dr Claude Bourguignon, Dr Emmanuel Bourguignon, Lydia Gabucci-Bourguignon (Laboratory of soil analyses, France); Prof Marc Robert (University of Paris Diderot, France); Nicolas Morel (Solar Energy and Building Physics Laboratory, Lausanne, Switzerland); Dr Yves CHILLIARD (INRA Clermont-Ferrand, France); Dr Henk Tennekes (Experimental Toxicology Services Nederland); Prof Paul Mazza (University of Florence, Italy); Dr John Stewart (University of Technology of Compiegne, France); Dr Evelyne Deverin (University of Toulouse-le-Mirail, France); Dr Jean-Paul Poully (Laboratory CIMAP/GANIL University of Caen, France); Prof Pierre Clement (University of Claude Bernard Lyon, France); Prof Jean-Paul Bourdineaud (University of Bordeaux, France); Prof Daniel Harran (University of Pau, France); Dr Christian Barraud (Medical Doctor, France); Dr Anne Marie Bocquet (University of Savoie, France); Dr Gilles NALBONE (Emeritus Research Director INSERM, France); Dr Maryvonne Mével-Ninio (Institute of Human Genetics, University of Montpellier, France); Prof Piergiorgio Duca (Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, Milano, Italy); Prof André Fougerousse (University of Strasbourg, France); Prof Dominique Belpomme (University of Paris, France); Dr Denis Lairon (INSERM, University of Aix-Marseille, France); Dr Ruggero Ridolfi (Scientific Institute of Romagna for the Study and Treatment of Cancer, Meldola, Italy); Dr Pakish Aaron Motsoaledi (DG of Department of Health, Pretoria, South Africa); Dr. Celestino Panizza (Occupational Medicine ASL, Local Hels Unit, Brescia, Italy); Dr. Sander Jacobs (University of Antwerp, Belgium); Prof Amyan Macfadyen (Sheffield, UK); Prof. Ewa Rembiałkowska (Faculty of Human Nutrition and Consumer Sciences WULS, Varsaw, Poland); Dr Florence Piron (University of Laval, Québec, Canada); Dr Richard C. Jennings (Cambridge, UK); Prof Michèle Bompard-Porte (University of Brest, France); Dr Horst Frohlich (University of Paris XI, France); Dr Tim K. Peters (Specialist in Pharmaceutical Medicine, Germany); Prof Malcom Hooper (Emeritus Professor of Medicinal Chemistry, University of Sunderland, UK); Dr Daniele Clavel (CIRAD-BIOS, University of Montpellier, France); Dr Tom Muir (Environment Canada); Dr Yves Dupont (University of Caen, France); Prof. Leszek Woźniak (Rzeszow University of Technology, Poland); Dr Stéphane DARTEYRE (Neurologue, CHU Saint Etienne, France); Philippe Truca (Alliance Médicale, Martinique).
Support for Gilles-Eric Seralini
CRIIGEN welcomes the confirmation of the research of Prof. Séralini's group on the long-term toxicity of Roundup, the most widely used herbicide in the world, and of a genetically modified (GM) maize which absorbs it without being killed. Both are products of Monsanto Company. This study has become one of the most frequently accessed in the world since it was published in September 2012 (Food and Chemical Toxicology, 50 (2012), 4221-4231). The journal, one of the best toxicological journals, did not retract the study, despite relentless pressure to do so. Now it has published Séralini's group’s detailed answers to critics (Food and Chemical Toxicology, 2013, online). The group has new experimental data on Roundup, which will soon be released.
Negative criticisms came from around 40 scientists or groups, including agencies responsible for GMO or pesticide authorisations. Most were subsequently revealed to have conflicts of interest, either directly with Monsanto Company, or with other commercial interests, or with bodies that had previously authorized the commercialization of these or similar products. Most are not specialists in the areas of pesticide toxicology or GMO risk assessment and do not publish papers on these topics. CRIIGEN and the research team have received statements of support and positive comments from more than 300 scientists from 33 countries across five continents. In our opinion these scientists are more representative of the scientific community at large.
CRIIGEN also welcomes the fact that the French food safety agency ANSES and several countries, including France, have recognized that long-term tests on GMOs are needed and that of the toxicity of pesticides has been underestimated. A project in this direction has been submitted to the French Parliament. In addition, the Directorate General for Health and Consumers of the European Commission has disavowed EFSA's opinion on the lack of necessity of long term toxicity testing. Séralini's study revealed the laxity of assessment which has allowed the commercialization of such products, on the part of agencies including EFSA. Their serious professional misconducts could endanger public health and lives.
Séralini's team and CRIIGEN have just filed complaints of defamation against claims of "fraud" and "falsified data" that were respectively published in "Marianne" and "La Provence" by Jean-Claude Jaillette and Claude Allègre who is a member of the French association for plant biotechnologies (AFBV). AFBV and its president Marc Fellous was convicted of defamation against Séralini’s team in 2011. Other complaints of defamation are in process. In 2013 we will launch other legal actions to force disclosure of hidden and poor quality toxicological data. These data were used by the regulatory agencies to enable the commercial release of the products that we tested, among others. To set an example, we are arranging the formal delivery of the raw data of our last study to a notary. We will make these public as soon as the regulatory agencies or Monsanto do the same for their data, or when governments consent to publish the industry data. Thus the scientific community will have full access to all the data on these industrial products. This will enable a true assessment, contradictory and transparent, and not a pseudo-assessment distorted by lobbies that are more concerned with protecting their own interests than with public health.