Japan’s saury catches are expected to hit a record low from this month to December as the population of the fish shrinks, the Fisheries Agency said Friday. The distribution of saury (Cololabis adocetus) is expected to be reduced further this year after a third consecutive year of poor catches, which means prices for fresh saury are likely to rise, pundits said. The agency confirmed a decline in saury resources in a survey of coastal areas and the high seas from June to July. Based on the results, the agency expects catches in the first half of the saury fishing season through early October to rise from the previous year and decline in the second half. In 2016, saury catches totaled some 114,000 tons, the lowest since 1977, when the agency started collecting records, as populations shrank, temperatures rose off Hokkaido and typhoons depressed fishing in the reporting year. In 2015, the figure stood at some 116,000 tons, half of the previous year’s level of some 227,000 tons.
Source: The Japan Times, 4 August 2017

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